
Monday, October 14, 2013

prime prima joy

okay ready?

it's time for everyone to have a good day.

just. click. play.

my beau came home late last night (as his job warrants he does) and while we were catching up on each other's days, he put on a little Louis Prima. now it had been a good day to begin with, but next thing i knew, at 2:30 a.m., we're both laughing and shaking our tail feathers.

joy. some days, it feels so hard to come by. and then a song plays or someone smiles or you get a great idea, and you have to wonder why because, clearly, it's been there the whole time.

so go ahead. get those pointer fingers up in the air. jab them up and down. now wiggle your tush.

smiling yet?


you're welcome.

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