
Friday, October 14, 2011

she's crafty

it's fall. and if you've read last weeks post, you'll know i have a little extra time on my hands. what to do? FALL CRAFTS, of course.  here are my results from a very DIY past few days.


look! i made roses using autumn leaves. you just fold in the points and keep wrapping the leaves around one another. i'm not sure they look terrific (naturally they came out better on the blog i saw this craft, but they look good enough)

prepare to be underwhelmed. it gets a lot less crafty from here on out.


i hacked back my outdoor planters and put together this bouquet. it's eucalyptus (cool right? i actually grew eucalyptus in my garden this year), the cattails from ornamental grasses, and some kind of dried something that we cut back at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens a few weeks back.

see how much i learn from my volunteering experiences? some kind of dried something. Laura, the head gardener where i volunteer, would be so proud.


 this is rosemary. that's it. i hacked it all back, brought it inside, and inhaled with a big ahhhh all night long. also, notice the use of my hurricane candles for mood lighting. woo-woo.


indian corn (3 for $2.50 at the farmer's market).
wall hook.

ta-dah! that bare wall by my sink is suddenly a little harder to wash dishes next to, but a lot more interesting to look at.

and lastly, what crafting day would be complete without...


i halved my recipe of oatmeal cookies unable to imagine even eating 24 cookies all by myself.

yeah. um. two days later? the entire batch is gone. i'm glad i didn't make all 48 for a different reason.

tah-dah. so there's my craftiness. now tell me about a craft you've made this fall.


  1. A guy I work with gave me some almost dead flowers from work and said they were going to throw them out anyways, so I took them home and hung them upside down to dry. They're still there, not quite dry. I think my apartment is unusually moist.

    Later the guy asked me how I liked my flowers, as though he had given me something of value and that I should be grateful to him.

    I'll be sure not to hang them next to my sink, however.

  2. haha, dude, that's hysterical. more stories like this, and i'm going to insist you start a blog. and maybe it's unusually moist because of all the kitty breath.

  3. The roses are cool. My only craft is to make my husband Mark a Halloween costume - red shirt, beige yarn & some foam balls to paint brown. He's going to a party as Spaghetti to your cousin Dave's Meatball. I'm not kidding. Kelly & I have no clue what we're going to be, but they are all set. Freaks. Paula

  4. the roses are fun, right? i had a friend over and she was like, omg, i didn't know they weren't real. that is an awesome costume. i want to see pictures! the pressure of being something fun/funny like that on halloween always makes me opt out completely. though i bought these pants that would make a pretty good pirates outfit. hmm. i guess i'd need a party to go to first.
